We're Back!

We're Back!

Well, we never really left.
But, Governor Wolf has declared real estate an essential practice, so we are back to a semi-normal approach! We wanted to share some guidelines so that what we are able to do in person is a little more clear. We can still do a lot of things virtually, but we will be able to show your home or show you some homes you are interested in.
We want to remain as transparent as possible, so we will continue to communicate regarding the guidelines, but also your feelings on the situation. We’ll never push you to do something out of your comfort zone. Your home has been your safe place and it will continue to be your safe place. We are not in the business of taking that away.
Please reach out with any questions or concerns - we are all ears and ready to help!

Questions Asked + Answered:

All real estate?

Yes. Unlike prior information that singled out residential sales, this guidance applies to “all businesses in the real estate industry.” This means residential sales, new construction sales, residential leasing, commercial, vacant land…you name it, if it requires a real estate license, it’s now permitted under these rules.

Who can be at a property?

The magic number is THREE. Under this guidance, up to one licensee and up to two other individuals can be present for an in-person activity. This might be a buyer agent along with two buyers at a showing. It might be a prospective listing agent and two owners at a listing appointment. It might be a home inspector who is let into the property by an agent. And so on. But no more than three at a time.

What am I wearing?

Just a mask.
I mean. not just a mask – that would be really weird, and violates several other laws – but the only required PPE is a mask/face covering, which must be worn by all those at the property. Gloves and booties are no longer required, although you could certainly wear them if you want or if a seller decides to require them as a condition of showing the property.

Health screenings

In addition, the state guidance is that “all individuals who will be present for in-person real estate activities” are encouraged to do a “verbal health screening prior to every in-person activity.” The specific questions for the screening are not identified, but it would include questions about the common risk factors and symptoms that could indicate possible COVID-19 exposure -“How ya’ feeling today?” is not going to be sufficient.

Space it out

All showings should be spaced out with at least 30 minutes between them. This was previously included in PAR’s best practices but is now included in the state guidance. And remember that in no circumstances is it permitted to have groups of people on a property. No open houses, broker opens, office previews, caravans, or whatever you might call them.

And that’s not all

There are additional details in the guidance, all of which will be spelled out in more detail in the FAQs on the PAR website. Please continue to use that as your primary source to answer questions. Additional information will be provided about updated forms and best practices, and we are working on updating the materials on other topics such as PUA and education topics as well.

Work With Us

Our unique interests and passions allow us to better understand our clients’ varied needs and to serve them in an authentic and holistic way. When given an opportunity to help re-envision the local real estate marketplace, we took a creative risk, tried something different, committed to an idea and made a promise to ourselves and our clients that it would pay off.

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