Philly Food Pantries And Community Fridges

Philly Food Pantries And Community Fridges

National Food Bank Day is on the first Friday of September every year.

We want to encourage you to contribute to the cause that believes no one should go to bed hungry, so we’ve compiled a list of Food Pantries and Community Fridges in Philadelphia that you can donate to, or even volunteer at.

Zoe’s Favorite Organizations To Donate Money To Are:


Philadelphia Food Pantries By Zip Code:


St. Mark's Food Cupboard
Open: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Lutheran Church of the Holy Communion
2110 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19103
Open: Wednesday


Church Of New Hope And Faith
661 N. 39th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
First African Presbyterian Church
4159 W. Girard Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Monday
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
3529 Haverford Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Wednesday, Thursday
Lombard Central Presbyterian Church
4201 Powelton Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Thursday, Friday

Mantua Haverford Community Center
631 N. 39th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Friday

Mantua Scattered Site Tentant Council
3804 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Metropolitan Baptist Church
3500 Baring St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Friday

Mt. Zion Holy Church
4110 Haverford Ave.Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Sunday, Wednesday
People's Emergency Center Food Cupboard
325 N. 39th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Saturday

Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral
23 S. 38th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Monday

Ralston/Mercy-Douglass House
3817 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Wednesday

Sarah Allen Senior Community Homes
4035 Parrish St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Friday

Second Antioch Baptist Church Food Cupboard
912-18 N. 41st St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Saturday

St. Ignatius Of Loyola Outreach
636 N. 43rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Tuesday

Universal Kingdom of God Church
4168 Poplar St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Tuesday

West Philadelphia Senior Community Center
1016 N. 41st St., Philadelphia, PA 19104
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Liberty Resources Food Pantry
112 N. 8th St., Ste. 600m Philadelphia, PA 19107
Open: Tuesday


Living Waters United Church of Christ
6250 Loretto Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111
Open: Thursday

Oxford Village Food Cupboard
6150 Algon Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111
Open: Monday, Tuesday


Lifeway Baptist Church
9554 Bustleton Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19115
Open: Monday, Saturday


Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia's Mitzvah Food Program Northeast
10100 Jamison Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19116
Open: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Somerton Interfaith Food Bank
510 Somerton Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19116
Open: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday


Germantown SDA Church
200 E. Cliveden St., Philadelphia, PA 19119
Open: Thursday

The Food Cupboard at Church of the Annunciation
324 Carpenter Ln., Philadelphia, PA 19119
Open: Thursday


Food with Love/Iglesia Cristiana Avivamiento
5500 Tabor Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19120
Open: Friday

Greater Philadelphia Asian Social Services (GPASS)
4943 N. 5th St., Philadelphia, PA 19120
Open: Tuesday

My Mother's Table
4740 Masher St., Philadelphia, PA 19120
Open: Tuesday

Salvation Army - Citadel
5830 Rising Sun Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19120
Open: Thursday

St. Helena Food Bank
6161 N. 5th St., Philadelphia, PA 19120
Open: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

St. James United Methodist Church
199 E. Tabor Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19120
Open: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church
5900 North 5th St., Philadelphia, PA 19120
Open: Monday, Wednesday

Triumphant Faith International Worship Center
5316 Rising Sun Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19120
Open: Saturday

Universal Creighton Family Resource Food Pantry
5401 Tabor Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19120
Open: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Victory Kingdom Fellowship Ministry
701 Rockland St., Philadelphia, PA 19120
Open: Saturday


Bethlehem of Deliverance
2016 W. Berks St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
3006 W. Diamond St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Saturday

Cornerstone Baptist Church
2117 N. 33rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Tuesday

East Park Revitalization Alliance
1737 N. 31 St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Monday, Thursday

East Park Revitalization Alliance Food Pantry Location 1
2140 N. 33rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Monday

East Park Revitalization Alliance Food Pantry Location 2
3209 W. Clifford St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Thursday

EIBC- Emmanuel Institutional Baptist Church
1720 N. 22nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Saturday

Gibson Temple Baptist Church/Blessed to be a Blessing
2159 N. 28th St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Wednesday

Haven Peniel UMC -Cafe Kichen
2301 W. Oxford St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Wednesday

Helen Brown Community Center at St. Elizabeth's
1845 N 23rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Herbert Arlene Food Pantry
1513 N. Bouvier St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Wednesday, Saturday

Johnson Care Center
2229 W. Thompson St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Johnson Homes Tenant Counsel Food Pantry
2500 W. Norris St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Saturday

Liberty House Food Pantry
1701 N. Woodstock St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Wednesday

Little Africa Plus Community Outreach
1521 W. Norris St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Tuesday, Friday

Morris Brown AME Church
1756 N. 25th St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Wednesday

Mt. Zion Pentecostal Church of God in Christ
1501 N. 20th St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Wednesday

New Jerusalem
2011 W. Norris St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

North Philadelphia SDA Church
1510-14 W. Oxford St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Wednesday

Peniel Baptist Church Food Cupboard
2515 W. Jefferson St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Wednesday

Take a Sistah to Lunch
1301 N. 28th St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Saturday

Take A Sistah to Lunch #2
2426 N. 2nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Saturday

The House of the Good Shepard Food Pantry
1716 N. 27th St., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Saturday

Wayland Temple Baptist Church
2500 Cecil B. Moore Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19121
Open: Saturday


Berean Presbyterian Care Closet
2101 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19122
Open: Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday

Bright Hope Community Kitchen
1601 N. 12th St., Philadelphia, PA 19122
Open: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

Drueding Center
1321 N. Lawrence St., Philadelphia, PA 19122
Open: Tuesday, Thursday

Mt. Olive Holy Temple Church
1469 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19122
Open: Tuesday

Mt. Zion UMC
1530-33 N. 11th. St., Philadelphia, PA 19122
Open: Monday

New Greater Straightway Baptist Church Food Pantry
1705 N. 7th St., Philadelphia, PA 19122
Open: Thursday

Norris Homes Food Pantry
1915 N. 11th St., Philadelphia, PA 19122
Open: Thursday

Temple Presbyterian Church
1300 N.7th St., Philadelphia, PA 19122
Open: Wednesday

Yorktown CDC
1300 W. Jefferson St., Philadelphia, PA 19122
Open: Wednesday


Friends Neighborhood Guild
701 N. 8th St., Philadelphia, PA 19123
Open: Tuesday

Friends Rehabilitation Program Pantry - Guild East
711 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, PA 19123
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Friends Rehabilitation Program: Guild House West
1221 Fairmount Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19123
Open: Tuesday

Macedonia Mission Center
1340 W. Parrish St., Philadelphia, PA 19123
Open: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Salvation Army - Temple Corps
1340 Brown St., Philadelphia, PA 19123
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday


Campbell AME Church
1657 Kinsey St., Philadelphia, PA 19124
Open: Wednesday

Faith Assembly of God
1926 Margaret St., Philadelphia, PA 19124
Open: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Keep the Faith Community Development
1901 Harrison St., Philadelphia, PA 19124
Open: Saturday

Mizpah SDA Church
4355 Paul St., Philadelphia, PA 19124
Open: Sunday, Tuesday

Pathway Evangelistic Church
1600 Harrison St., Philadelphia, PA 19124
Open: Tuesday, Thursday

Second Baptist Church of Frankford
1801 Meadow St., Philadelphia, PA 19124
Open: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Temple of Faith Community Church
1532 Sellers St., Philadelphia, PA 19124
Open: Wednesday


Bethel Baptist Church of Kensington
2210 E. Susquenna Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19125
Open: Tuesday

Cast Your Cares Ministry
2438 Kensington Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19125

Community Center at Visitation
2646 Kensington Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19125
Open: Monday

Family Feeding Family, Inc.
2501 Kensington Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19125
Open: Saturday

Lutheran Settlement House Senior Center
1340 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19125
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Philadelphia Brotherhood Rescue Mission
401 E. Girard Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19125

St. Anne's Senior Center
2607 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, PA 19125
Open: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

St. Michael Church --Good Samaritan Food Pantry
2139 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, PA 19125
Open: Thursday


Friends in Supplying Help (North Light Community Center)
175 Green Ln., Philadelphia, PA 19127
Open: Monday, Friday


Drug Task Force Ministry
3252 N. Etting St., Philadelphia, PA 19129
Open: Wednesday, Saturday

Salvation Army - KROC
4200 Wissahickon Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19129
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Baptist Women's Center of Phila.
1428 Poplar St., Philadelphia, PA 19130
Open: Wednesday

James Parker Memorial Center Food Pantry
1702 Fairmount Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19130
Open: Saturday


Better Tomorrow Haddington Townhouse Food Pantry
5437 Wyalusing Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19131
Open: Friday

Bryn Mawr Avenue Church Of God Food Pantry
2227 Bryn Mawr Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19131
Open: Monday, Thursday

Camphor MUM Church/Food Cupboard Committee
5620 Wyalusing Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19131
Open: Tuesday

Greater Promise Family of Love Deliverance Food Pantry
1747 N. Wilton St., Philadelphia, PA 19131
Open: Saturday

Lacey's Community Care
1665 N. Wilton St., Philadelphia, PA 19131
Open: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday

Mt. Zion Pentecostal Church
5115 Master St., Philadelphia, PA 19131
Open: Saturday

Pinn Memorial Baptist Church Drive to End Hunger Ministry
2251 N. 54th St., Philadelphia, PA 19131
Open: Wednesday

Resurrection Baptist Church
5401 Lansdowne Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19131
Open: Tuesday

Well Done Community Resource/Park Towers
4001 Conshohocken Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19131
Open: Monday


Beloved Baptist Church, Inc. Food Pantry
2107 W. Toronto St., Philadelphia, PA 19132
Open: Saturday

Bethel Presbyterian Church
1900 W. York St., Philadelphia, PA 19132
Open: Thursday

Devereux UMC
2527 W. Allegheny Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19132
Open: Wednesday

Emmanuel United Methodist Church Food Pantry
2346 N. 17th St., Philadelphia, PA 19132
Open: Thursday

Genesis Ministries It's (Not Your Fault)
2229 N. Cleveland St., Philadelphia, PA 19132
Open: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Grands As Parents Inc.
2227 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19132
Open: Friday

House of Prayer
2327 W. Somerset St., Philadelphia, PA 19132
Open: Sunday

James Spring Memorial Baptist Church
1845 W. Huntington St., Philadelphia, PA 19132
Open: Friday

Jubilee Commandment Keepers Church
2440 N. 15th St., Philadelphia, PA 19132
Open: Wednesday

New Pond/Upon This Rock
3224-26 W. York St., Philadelphia, PA 19132
Open: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

North Penn Baptist Church
2419-23 N. 27th St., Philadelphia, PA 19132
Open: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday

One Day At A Time (ODAAT)
2532 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19132
Open: Tuesday

Safe Haven Community Food Bank
2509 N. 30th St., Philadelphia, PA 19132
Open: Tuesday

St. Martin de Porres
2340 W. Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19132
Open: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday


Blessed to be a Blessing (True Vine Baptist Church)
521 W. Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19133
Open: Saturday

Children's Mission, Inc.
2200 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19133
Open: Saturday

Congreso de Latinos Unidos
216 W. Somerset St., Philadelphia, PA 19133
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Crossroads Community Center
2916 N. 6th St., Philadelphia, PA 19133
Open: Thursday

Father's House of Prayer Mission Baptist Church Food Pantry
3040 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19133
Open: Friday

Front Street Community Church Food Pantry/ God's Storehouse
2812 N. Front St., Philadelphia, PA 19133
Open: Saturday

Moorish Science Temple of America
2259 N. 5th St., Philadelphia, PA 19133
Open: Saturday

Pentecostal Church Of God
3025 N. 5th St., Philadelphia, PA 19133
Open: Monday, Tuesday, and Friday

Salvation Army Tabernacle
3150 N. Mascher St., Philadelphia, PA 19133
Open: Tuesday, Thursday

Warnock Village Food Pantry
2862 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19133
Open: Friday


Bethel Temple Community Church
228 E. Allegheny Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19134
Open: Thursday

John B Stetson Charter School Food Bank/ Community Center
3200 B. St., Philadelphia, PA 19134
Open: Tuesday, Thursday

Mission of St. Joan of Arc
2025 E. Atlantic St., Philadelphia, PA 19134
Open: Tuesday, Thursday

Richard & Friends United in the Community
1916 E. Venango St., Philadelphia, PA 19134
Open: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

River of Life Philadelphia
701 E. Cornwall St., Philadelphia, PA 19134
Open: Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Salvation Army Pioneer Corps
1920 E. Allegheny Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19134
Open: Tuesday

The Simple Way
3234 Potter St., Philadelphia, PA 19134
Open: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday


Centre D'adoration Chretienne
4520 Benner Street, Philadelphia, PA 19135
Open: Tuesday, Thursday

Kingdom Life Christian Center
6323 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19135
Open: Thursday

Star of Hope Baptist Church Community Food Cupboard
7212 Keystone St., Philadelphia, PA 19135
Open: Tuesday

True Vine Community Center
4610 Devereaux St., Philadelphia, PA 19135
Open: Sunday, Thursday


Living Word Church - Frankford
7916 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19136
Open: Thursday

Northeast Philadelphia Family Service Center (Catholic Social Services)
7340 Jackson St., Philadelphia, PA 19136
Open: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday


Bridesburg Community Food Pantry
2717 Kirkbride St., Philadelphia, PA 19137
Open: Tuesday


Family Support Circle, Inc. Food Pantry
2059 E. Chelten Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19138
Open: Tuesday

Grace UMC
7101 N. 20th St., Philadelphia, PA 19138
Open: Tuesday

Haitian Evangelical Baptist Church
814 E. Chelten Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19138
Open: Friday, Saturday

Masjidullah Sadaqah Emergency Food Cupboard
7401 Limekiln Pk., Philadelphia, PA 19138
Open: Saturday

New Era Baptist Church
6618 Wyncote Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19138
Open: Thursday

St. Benedict's
1935 Medary Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19138
Open: Monday, Friday, and Saturday

Upper Room Missionary Baptist Church
7236 Ogontz Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19138
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday


Abundant Life Healing Fellowship Church
100 N. 63rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19139
Open: Saturday

Church of the Holy Apostles and the Mediator
260 S. 51st St., Philadelphia, PA 19139
Open: Wednesday

Holy Temple Community Center
363 N. 60th St., Philadelphia, PA 19139
Open: Tuesday, Thursday

Homework Internet Communication for Urban People
6132 Vine St., Philadelphia, PA 19139
Open: Friday

Jehovah Jireh Baptist Church
4807 Haverford Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19139
Open: Saturday

Mercy Douglass Residents
4511 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19139
Open: Wednesday

Mount Carmel Baptist Church
5732 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19139
Open: Wednesday, Saturday

Redeeming Love Worship Center
5617 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19139
Open: Saturday

Sanctuary Church Of The Open Door
5923 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19139
Open: Saturday

St. Joseph Baptist Church
224 N. 54th St., Philadelphia, PA 19139
Open: Saturday

Tabernacle Lutheran Church
5843 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139
Open: Tuesday, Thursday

United Ummah of Philly
4700 Wyalusing Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19139
Open: Tuesday

West Philadelphia SDA Church
601 N. 46th St., Philadelphia, PA 19139
Open: Sunday, Wednesday

Zion Hill Baptist Church
5301 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA 19139
Open: Tuesday


Bethel Seventh Day Adventist Worship Center
169 W. Wyoming Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19140
Open: Tuesday

Bridgeway Inc.
1722 W. Ontario St., Philadelphia, PA 19140
Open: Thursday

Casa del Carmen
4400 N. Reese St., Philadelphia, PA 19140
Open: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

El Shaddai Baptist Church
4244 Old York Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19140
Open: Tuesday

Fellowship Greater Jehovah Baptist Church
3314 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19140
Open: Wednesday

Harold O. Davis Memorial Baptist Church
4500 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, PA 19140
Open: Saturday

Neighborhood Action Bureau
3900 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19140
Open: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Nicetown CDC
4300 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19140
Open: Thursday

Praise the Living God Holiness Church
3610 N. 15th St., Philadelphia, PA 19140
Open: Monday

The Word In Action International Ministries, Inc.
1539 W. Courtland St., Philadelphia, PA 19140
Open: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Truth Baptist Church
4666 N. 15th St., Philadelphia, PA 19140
Open: Tuesday

Victory Outreach Christian Ministry Food Pantry
3415 N. 2nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19140
Open: Tuesday


Feltonville Dream Center/ Master Builders Church
555 W. Annsbury St., Philadelphia, PA 19141
Open: Saturday

Friendly Baptist Church
1215 W. Ruscomb St., Philadelphia, PA 19141
Open: Thursday

Friends Rehabilitation Program: The Lindley
1220 Lindley Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19141
Open: Wednesday

Giving of Self Partnership
6101 Limekiln Pike, Philadelphia, PA 19141
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

Living Vine Apostolic Faith Church
1520-28 Belfield Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19141
Open: Saturday

Provision of Grace World Mission Church
1950 W. Rockland St., Philadelphia, PA 19141
Open: Tuesday, Wednesday

Second Macedonia Baptist Church
1301 W. Ruscomb St., Philadelphia, PA 19141
Open: Wednesday, Friday


Burning Bush Ministries
6037 Elmwood Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19142
Open: Thursday, Friday

Eternal Life Missionary Baptist Church
2001 S. 65th St., Philadelphia, PA 19142
Open: Saturday

FAWN at Tilden Middle School
6601 Elmwood Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19142
Open: Friday

Helping Others Resources Inc.
2114 S. 71st St., Philadelphia, PA 19142
Open: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

James Finnegan Recreation Center
6900 Grover Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19142
Open: Thursday

6200 Dicks Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19142
Open: Wednesday

Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries
2052 S. 61st St., Philadelphia, PA 19142
Open: Wednesday, Saturday

Southwest Philadelphia Family Service Center (Catholic Social Services)
6214 Grays Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19142
Open: Monday, Friday


Allen African Methodist Episcopal Church Food Pantry
5911 Larchwood Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19143
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Allen African Methodist Episcopal Church Food Pantry
5911 Larchwood Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19143
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Bartram Resident Council
5409 Bartram Dr., 2-B, Philadelphia, PA 19143
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Bountiful Blessing
1519 S. 52nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19143
Open: Wednesday

Christ of Calvary Covenant
500 S. 61st St., Philadelphia, PA 19143
Open: Saturday

Crusaders for Christ Church
1201 S. 47th St., Philadelphia, PA 19143
Open: Friday

Ezekial Baptist
5701 Grays Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19143
Open: Thursday

Faith Temple Pentecostal Church
5618 Kingsessing Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19143
Open: Tuesday

Friends of the Kingsessing Library
1201 S. 51st St., Philadelphia, PA 19143
Open: Monday

Grace Tabernacle Christian Church
1509 S. 52nd St., Philadelphia, PA 19143
Open: Wednesday, Thursday

Helping Hands for the Hungry
525 S. Cobbs Creek Pkwy., Philadelphia, PA 19143
Open: Saturday

Helping Hands for the Hungry/St. Cyprian Church
525 Cobbs Creek Pkwy., Philadelphia, PA 19143
Open: Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday

Mt. Zion Baptist Church
1411 S. 50th St., Philadelphia, PA 19143
Open: Wednesday

Paradise Emmanuel Tabernacle Church
4704 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19143
Open: Wednesday

Word of Life Healing Ministry
315 S. 60th St., Philadelphia, PA 19143
Open: Saturday


Abyssinian Baptist Church
4202 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Thursday

Canaan Family Life Center Food and Clothes Program
304 W. School House Ln., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Tuesday, Thursday

Center in the Park
5818 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church Helping Hands Pantry
246 W. Coulter St., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Faith Community Development Corporation
108 E. Price St., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Thursday

Germantown Avenue Crisis Ministry
35 W. Chelten Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Grace Community Christian Center
29 W. Johnson St., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Haines Street Baptist Church
214 E. Haines St., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Friday

Holsey Temple C.M.E. Church
5305-15 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Tuesday

Innovative Treatment Alternatives, Inc.
449 E. Locust Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Tuesday, Thursday

New Beginnings Pentecostal Church
502 E. Haines St., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Thursday

New Jerusalem Church
14 E. Clapier St., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Tuesday

Pentecostal Faith Assembly Chruch
5347 Pulaski Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Tuesday, Saturday

Servant of Christ United Methodist Church
5213 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Tuesday

St. Barnabas Food Pantry (St. Luke's Episcopal)
5421 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Friday

St. Matthews First Baptist Church
634 E. Chelten Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Wednesday

St. Vincent De Paul
109 E. Price Street, Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Monday, Tuesday, and Friday

United Methodist Neighbors
47 E. Haines St., Philadelphia, PA 19144
Open: Tuesday, Thursday


Bryant Baptist Church
1140 S. 19th St., Philadelphia, PA 19146
Open: Thursday

Church of Pentecost USA
2530 Wharton St., Philadelphia, PA 19146
Open: Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday

Church of the Redeemer Baptist
1440 S. 24th St., Philadelphia, PA 19146
Open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday

Gibson Temple - Blessed to be a Blessing
29th & Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146
Open: Wednesday

New Bethany Baptist Church
1415 S. 23rd St., Philadelphia, PA 19146
Open: Friday

North East Group Greys Ferry Residents Assn.
1105 S. 27th St., Philadelphia, PA 19146
Open: Saturday

Progressive Worship Center
1140-47 S. 26th St., Philadelphia, PA 19146
Open: Monday

South Philadelphia Family Service Center (Catholic Social Services)
1941 Christian St., Philadelphia, PA 19146
Open: Tuesday, Thursday

South Philadelphia H.O.M.E.S. Inc.
1444 Point Breeze Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19146
Open: Tuesday, Thursday

St. Barnabas Bethsaida U.M.C
1814 Wharton St., Philadelphia, PA 19146
Open: Saturday

St. Gabriel Food Cupboard
2917 Dickinson St., Philadelphia, PA 19146
Open: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday

St. Paul Chapel Baptist Church
2039 Manton St., Philadelphia, PA 19146
Open: Saturday

Zion Hill Memorial Baptist Church
2702 Ellsworth St., Philadelphia, PA 19146
Open: Wednesday, Saturday


Christ's Presbyterian Church
1020 S. 10th St., Philadelphia, PA 19147
Open: Sunday

Church of the Living God
801 S. 11th St., Philadelphia, PA 19147
Open: Wednesday, Friday

Hawthorne Family Center
1200 W. Carpenter St., Philadelphia, PA 19147
Open: Saturday

Mazzoni Center
1348 Bainbridge St., Philadelphia, PA 19147
Open: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Waters Memorial Community Center
1016-18 South St., Philadelphia, PA 19147
Open: Wednesday


Feast of Justice
3101 Tyson Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19149
Open: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday


Kitchen of Love
8500 Pickering St., Philadelphia, PA 19150
Open: Thursday, Friday

Remnant Church of God
7708-10 Ogontz Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19150
Open: Wednesday


Calvary Agape Community Outreach Services
6114 Haverford Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19151
Open: Monday, Wednesday

Calvin Presbyterian Church
1401 N. 60th St., Philadelphia, PA 19151
Open: Thursday

ECS St. Barnabas
6006 W. Girard Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19151
Open: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Feed The Needy Association
2005 N. 61st St., Philadelphia, PA 19151
Open: Sunday, Saturday

Freedom Development Corporation
6100 W. Columbia Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19151
Open: Tuesday

Good Samaritan Baptist Church
6148-50 Lansdowne Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19151
Open: Wednesday

Heavens Grocery Store
1901 Wynnewood Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19151
Open: Wednesday

Living Water Baptist Church
7501 Brookhaven Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19151
Open: Saturday


Eastwick UMC Mission House
8325 Lindbergh Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19153
Open: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday


Holy Redeemer Food Pantry of PA
12265 Townsend Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19154
Open: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
See more Food Pantries here.

Mama-Tee Fridge

With nearly 20 community fridges and a pop-up grocery store, Mama-Tee has spots throughout the city you can support. Fridges are cleaned and filled weekly by a team of volunteers, which you can join by emailing the organization at [email protected].
  • Northern Liberties: 635 W. Girard Ave.
  • Kensington: 2400 Coral St.
  • Kensington: 3231 N. 2nd St. (Two fridges at this location)
  • Fishtown: 1255 E. Palmer St.
  • Fishtown: 2401 E. Letterly St.
  • Hunting Park: 1717 W. Hunting Park Ave. (Two fridges at this location)
  • West Philly: 5524 Haverford Ave.
  • Spruce Hill: 4600 Woodland Ave.
  • Brewerytown: 3033 W. Glenwood Ave.
  • Callowhill: 915 Spring Garden St.
  • Germantown: 234 Winona St.
  • Fairmount: 2015 Fairmount Ave.
  • Graduate Hospital: 2204 Washington Ave.
  • Point Breeze: 3200 Dickinson St.

What You Can Donate:
Fruits, vegetables, dairy, pantry items (so long as they are properly packaged and have ingredients listed), hot dogs, bread (must be sealed and not expired), water, and juice (low-sugar if possible). You can make a monetary donation via the organization’s GoFundMe page.

Don’t Bring:
Any expired or unlabeled food, any nonfood items, leftovers, improperly packaged food, candy or candied items, condiment packets, peanut butter, very salty or sugary snacks, baked goods, meat (raw or cooked), opened food, or homemade meals.

South Philadelphia Community Fridge


This organization serves many families with young children, as well as many unhoused people, with its four locations.
Fridges are checked twice daily, and the organization is always looking for help - you can fill out a volunteer interest form online, email the organization at [email protected], or DM them on Instagram.

  • Pennsport: 1229 S. 6th St.
  • Point Breeze: 1200 S. 21st St.
  • East Passyunk: 1901 S. 9th St. (This location is pantry-only and accepts only shelf-stable goods)
  • West Passyunk: 2100 S. 24th St.
What You Can Donate:
Cooked meat and seafood; premade meals (labeled in English and Spanish with ingredients, common allergens, and the date it was made); fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs; bread and pastries, dairy, and eggs; rice, pasta, grains, and beans; pantry staples like sugar, flour, cooking oil, spices, and condiments; snacks like granola bars or prepackaged sandwiches; bottled water and sports drinks.
You can make monetary donations via Venmo and Cash App. Or, you can buy items from the organization’s Target registry, which are then shipped to a volunteer’s home and placed at a fridge location. You can also go shopping for the fridges on your own, and email the organization a receipt for the items you donated to be reimbursed up to $35 via Venmo or Cashapp
Buy the organization’s swag (profits of which benefit the operation).

Don’t Bring:
Raw meat and seafood; leftovers; unlabeled or expired food items; alcohol; in general, anything you wouldn’t eat yourself or feed to your loved ones.

Fridges and Family


Fridges and Family today has three locations in Philly, and one in East Orange, N.J. — cofounder Justin Battle’s hometown. To volunteer your help with tasks like picking up and dropping off food, running social media accounts, or anything else, fill out the volunteer form on the organization’s website, email [email protected], or DM them on Instagram.

Philly Locations:
  • Italian Market: 1149 S. 9th St.
  • Southwest: 7044 Woodland Ave

What You Can Donate:
Canned goods; eggs; milk and other dairy products; water and juice; bread; fruit and vegetables; rice; hot dogs; toiletries and hygiene products.If you want to donate money, you can do so via the organization’s Cash App, or by buying an e-gift card. 
Don’t Bring:
Unpackaged or expired items; home-cooked meals.

Germantown Community Fridge


Founder Jane Ellis launched this group in 2020, which today has two Germantown fridges and pantry locations that accept a wide variety of items. Fridge checks are done twice daily, and you can volunteer to help with those by filling out volunteer forms for either location on Sign Up Genius — or, if you want to shop for the fridge or help with food pickups, contact the organization via email at [email protected] or by DM them on Instagram.

  • Germantown: 20 W. Armat St.
  • Germantown: 19 E. High St.
What You Can Donate:
Bread; homemade or premade meals (labeled with common allergens, date it was made, ingredients); milk; eggs; frozen meat and seafood; fresh and frozen produce; vegan items; gluten-free items; baby food and formula; grab-and-go snacks; canned food with pop-tops (especially soup); spices and condiments; pasta; rice; diapers and baby wipes; menstrual supplies; toiletries and hygiene products; PPE items; reusable plastic and paper bags; can openers; new and unexpired dog and cat food.
To donate money that helps keeps the fridges stocked and running, you can use Cash App or Venmo. Or you can buy food from the organization’s Amazon wish list that will be shipped to a volunteer who will stock your items.

Don’t Bring:
Clothing; cooking pans; opened, partially used, unpackaged, expired, or unlabeled items; raw meat; alcohol.

Coral Street Fridge


This Kensington-based organization operates a fridge, pantry, and bookshelf at its Coral Street location, where a wide variety of items are accepted. You can volunteer to help with food running, cleaning, and coordinating; contact organizers by email at [email protected], or DM them on Instagram.

  • 2670 Coral Street.

What You Can Donate:
Home-cooked and prepackaged meals (labeled with common allergens, the date it was made, and ingredients); cooked meat and seafood; fruits and vegetables (fresh or frozen); bread and pastries; dairy and eggs; rice, grains, pasta, and beans; pantry items like sugar, flour, cooking oil, spices, and condiments; canned foods with peelable lids; individually packaged snacks (like small bags of chips or Tastykakes); bottled water; feminine hygiene products; diapers; naloxone; books.
Monetary donations can be made via Venmo, Cash App, or PayPal. If you want to donate items directly, you can drop them off at the fridge.

Don’t Bring:
Unpackaged, unlabeled, expired, or open items; raw meat and seafood; alcohol; leftovers.

East Falls Community Fridge


With its single location, East Falls Community Fridge aims to provide as much as possible for the neighborhood with a fridge, freezer, and pantry by focusing on keeping the staple fridge and pantry items and homemade meals in stock. You can volunteer for fridge check-ins, deep cleans, and weekly shopping via the group’s form on Sign Up Genius.
If you use the fridge to get food, you can fill out a form requesting certain items via this survey on Google.

  • 3507 Midvale Ave.

What You Can Donate:
Fruits and vegetables (fresh or frozen); eggs; bread and pastries; prepackaged meals; homemade meals (in a sealed container labeled with the date it was made, a best-by date, and ingredients); dairy items such as cheese, milk, and yogurt (as long as it is packaged and labeled); canned goods; vegan items; toiletries (in limited amounts)To make a monetary donation, you can donate to the group via Venmo.

Don’t Bring:
Raw meat; leftovers; open, unlabeled, or expired items; alcohol; clothing.

Cedar Park Community Fridge

This site in the Cedar Park / Squirrel Hill area of West Philly has a community fridge, deep freezer, and dry goods pantry that primarily serves families, unhoused people, and LGBTQ youth. It is stocked with groceries twice a month and from food donations.

  • 4819 Springfield Ave.

What You Can Donate:
Staples (milk, juice, bread, butter, eggs, cheese, rice, pasta, flour, root vegetables); grab-and-go items (fruit cups, cheese sticks, snack packs); frozen foods (meats, pasta, microwavable foods, ice cream); prepared foods (single serve, packaged, labeled with date); dry goods (toiletries and sanitary products, first aid supplies, boxed and canned foods).

Don’t Bring:
Leafy greens, opened portions, unlabeled food, leftovers, alcohol.

Other Community Fridges in Philly

Cedar Park: The People’s Fridge — 511 S. 52nd St.
Powelton Village: Powelton Fridge — 3750 Lancaster Ave.
Spring Garden: Spring Garden Community Pantry — 1924 Spring Garden St.
Temple: Love Your Neighbor Philly — 1684 Jefferson St.
Mantua: Ronnie Vega Community Fridge — 4134 Lancaster Ave.
Germantown: Ourchive215 — 5424 Lena St.

If you want to help, they will take food donations, monetary donations, and volunteers. For the most part, their needs are similar to the other Community Fridges listed on our page, but it’s best to reach out to them before donating if you have questions.
See for more free food locations.

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