Andrew & Michael

Andrew & Michael

Meet Andrew and Michael, proud owners of a modern and tech-savvy home on South Hicks Street. Filled with natural light, smart technology, and their dog Archer, they share what they love about their home—from the perfect roof deck to their quiet, sunlit offices—and their connection to Philly’s classic neighborhood charm.


Andrew, Michael, and Archer

726 South Hicks St | Graduate Hospital

Presented by Kristin McFeely


How would you describe your personal interior design style?

We love as much natural light as possible, cool neutrals, hardwood floors, and an open kitchen. We try to integrate smart technology into our style—from remote activated shades to eco-friendly temperature control systems—function is an important part of our design. Unfortunately, our jobs are taking us away from Philly sooner than we had hoped. If we had more time with our house, we would have started on accent wallpaper walls and modernist light fixtures.


How would you describe your neighborhood?

Our neighborhood is classic Philly. We have a mix of newer homes, older row homes, retirees, and young professionals with families. It’s easy to snag a neighbor’s package for them to pick up later, send them a text to let them know they left the garage door open (or receive that text!), and say hi on the way home from work. It’s close to Center City and just off South street—near the action, but with the tranquility of a small side street.


What was your non- negotiable when it came to finding your dream home?

A garage. Even though we don’t drive frequently, getting out of the survival-of-the-fittest Philly street parking has been life-changing. And, since the garage doesn’t face the street, we never have to worry about being blocked in by rouge parkers.


What's your favorite room? Why?

The roof deck. It’s the perfect spot for coffee in the morning and it’s shaded in the afternoon and evening by the nearby building when many roofs get uncomfortably hot. We have a table set up for outdoor dinners that we use from spring to fall. There aren’t many things in life that can’t be fixed with a grill, a mini-fridge, and a beautiful view of downtown Philly.


What is one thing you need in your home to make it yours?

Our offices. Although we walk to work most days, we have enough virtual meetings, data wrangling, and writing time to need spaces that feel separate from the rest of the house. The rooms we use have natural light, are high enough from the street to be quiet, and can accommodate a desk and comfortable chairs for lounging breaks.


What makes you (or your family) laugh?

Our dog! He’s 7 and a half years old and hasn’t slowed down a beat. Whether chasing a ball for hours (literally) on end, or trying to protect us from an amazon delivery, he brings us natural joy. He will also miss the house as his day is spent wandering from room to room finding the perfect napping spot as the sun moves through the day.


A day spent running around the neighborhood: what's your first stop and last stop?

First stop: The Breakfast Den for Vietnamese coffee, perfect sandwiches, and an outdoor patio to work on the crossword. Last stop: A walk down to the Schuylkill River, stopping for frozen yogurt at Igloo on the way there, and swinging by the dog park on the way home.


What's your favorite memory of your home?

Thanksgivings. We invited friends and family from Utah, Florida, and Philly for a full day of cooking, eating, and then eating again. It was our first year with all the oven and stove space we needed. And the best part was that there was plenty of space for post-turkey napping and nobody needed to worry about a hotel during their stay.


What was the catalyst to you purchasing a new home?

We were ready for a quieter space, just outside of Center City but still easy to walk to downtown and University City. Our work lives are busy and intense, so finding a place where we could separate from the hospital was key. We also wanted a home that could evolve with us, especially being able to host our parents (including having an elevator available as they grew older).


What's your favorite piece of Philly culture?

We love the Museums here—from the Duchamp room hidden in the back of the Philadelphia Museum of Art to the Rodin sculpture garden to the spoons-on-the-wall-next-to-a-Picasso vibe of the Barnes to the medical oddities of the Mutter to the mummies and Mesopotamian jewelry in the Penn Museum—there’s something for everyone. Get your museum legs ready! There’s always somewhere to bring out of towners, or a new exhibit that’s perfect for us on a slow Saturday afternoon.

Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael
Andrew & Michael

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Our unique interests and passions allow us to better understand our clients’ varied needs and to serve them in an authentic and holistic way. When given an opportunity to help re-envision the local real estate marketplace, we took a creative risk, tried something different, committed to an idea and made a promise to ourselves and our clients that it would pay off.

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